Course overview
The advanced course aims to deepen the knowledge and expertise of radioligand therapy, gained in the basic course. It will feature topics such as Dosimetry, Thyroid, NET, Bone, Prostate & Urinary Cancer and Special Topics which include lectures such as Setting up an IMPD, Phase I clinical trial using radiopharmaceuticals, Informed Consent (standard of care and clinical trial) as well as a short MIBG overview.
In some topics, cases are presented to further deepen the content.
The content will be valuable for nuclear medicine physicians who has not yet experiences Radioligand Therapy, as well as for a referring clinician to better understand indications, the treatment schedule, potential side-effects and proper management of concomitant treatments.
Key Topics are:
This course is designed for graduates of basic course but also allows lateral entry for board certified nuclear medicine experts.
The learning process
Once enrolled in a course, you can stop at any time and return to the course at any time. The system saves where you have been and which lessons you have already completed.
After completing the course, the user can take an online exam, which, if successfully completed (minimum 80%), will result in a certificate of successful completion, which will be uniquely identified. Each user can attempt to pass the exam 4 times.